What training do I get to help me use the HASS?
As much as you like! Your HASS user guide will have been sent to your school when opening your account. We also provide online training sessions and further support can be found by clicking the ‘support’ icon on the dashboard and submitting a ticket.
Can every teacher log into the HASS or is it just the PE coordinator?
Every teacher has the ability to access HASS. We advise only a few members of staff are responsible for adding data to ensure accuracy however, there is no maximum amount of users to a school’s account. To create additional logins, click on ‘School settings’ in the top right hand corner of your dashboard and click on ‘Coordinators’.
Is there a limit to how many classes can be loaded onto the Healthy Active Schools System?
There is no limit to the amount of classes you can upload from your school.
If a new child joins my class half way through the academic year, can I add them to the class lists?
You certainly can. Head to ‘School settings’ in the top right hand corner of your dashboard and click on ‘Year Groups and Classes’. Under ‘Manage class list’ you can add and delete children should your class change throughout the year.
What is a URN?
This is the Unique Registration Number for your school.
Can I use the information on the HASS for end of year pupil reports?
For the first time, HASS will enable you to report on children’s activity levels as well as their swimming ability. You can export your class’s individual activity challenge and swimming results at any time by clicking ‘export’ on either page. If you require further reporting on whole class physical activities, do not hesitate to email activeschools@fitforsport.co.uk and we can provide this information for you.
Is the HASS tablet compatible?
Absolutely! When viewing HASS on a tablet, the icons at the top of the dashboard will appear without text next to them. Clicking on the icons will still provide you with the same drop-down options.
How often do the children need to undertake the Activity Challenge?
As often as you like! You can incorporate it into every PE Lesson, during Lunchtime or Extended School Clubs. We recommend that the challenge is done at the start and end of each term as this should show progression over the term.
Why should I track my School Sports Premium spend?
As part of the terms of the School Sports Premium grant, your school needs to show how the money has been spent and the impact it has had. HASS will show you exactly how the money has been spent. It will also give you the data required to validate the impact the SSP has made.
Why should I track all my pupils’ activity progress?
Tracking the activity levels of the children will be hugely beneficial when showing progression and attainment in physical education for OFSTED. The activity challenge results will show the progression of each child, as well as being a means of intra-school competition.
What constitutes 60 minutes of activity a day?
It is important that all children are getting 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity a day. This must be an activity that raises the child’s heart rate a significant amount. This activity can be fitted in before school, during PE lessons, Lunchtime or after school clubs. There is plenty of time for all children to get their 60 minutes in a school day!